Tuesday, October 13, 2009

One mock board down two to go!!!

Today was mock boards, and I barely got any sleep last night because I was worried about doing well. I arrived at clinic early and started to feel a little better. I had everything ready and I just had to wait for my patient, but where was he. He is always on time and so dependable. By 8:10 a.m. I started to worry. If our patients were not checked in with the examiner we were docked scale time. I decided to call him. He answered and said he was on his way. I asked him how long it would be. He said he would be there in about ten minutes. I looked at the clock and thought are you kidding me, that means I have five minutes to get his health history signed, take his blood pressure, get all the other paperwork signed, and get back up to the front desk. Ahhhh!!! Then I calmed down and got everything organized so that I could do it all as quickly as possible. Ten minutes later he was still not there. Fifteen minutes later still no Francisco. Just as the tears started to well up in my eyes Kelcie was there to calm me. Thank goodness for her or I would have been a mess. He finally arrived at 8:35 a.m. He look as stressed as I was. He said he felt really bad and that his alarm did not go off and then there was traffic. I got him up to the front desk in a flash, but I still got like twenty-five minutes deducted from my scale time. He qualified, so I brought him back and started scaling. The time flew and before I new it time was up. I brought him up front, and then waited for the examiners to check. Which they forgot about him for some time, but they finally brought him backed and checked him. I missed one spot of calculus and my probings were all on. I did miss points because I guess I imagined some recession that was not there, but all and all I did great. I passed and that is really all that matters. I just hope I do that good on the real board exam.

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