Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Dental Hygiene Students worse nightmare a reality!

Tuesdays Clinic started off great I finished my exam patient and did not have any errors. I had a great lunch, well if you consider drinking my bowl of soup because we were out of spoons a great lunch. Then my afternoon patient arrived. I sat him in my chair and started to look at his health history. There was not anything very concerning until I ask if he was taking any other medications not listed. Then he pulled out a full page of typed up medications. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! My poor Pt. had to wait forever while I looked up all the side effects of every medication and listed each one along with the reference page. I swear it took about an hour. I guess that's what I get for not getting the health history filled out prior to the appointment. I never thought I would get him done, but then as it turns out he had no calculus, and was surprisingly easy. I got him all done x-rays and all. With not errors or x-ray retakes. So it all worked out. He was so awesome and so patient. Even though he was in a great deal of pain because of his recent back surgery. With all the trials some people go through it is amazing how kind and light-hearted they can be. He was a real inspiration to me, to appreciate all that I have, and to not sweat the small stuff. It is amazing what we take for granted every day.

1 comment:

Savanna said...

i love this. i leave clinic a lot thinking "sheesh! why do i complain that i have a piece of apple stuck in my teeth when that last patient hasn't had teeth for the last 30 years?"