Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving break!

NO SCHOOL! How nice!!! I am not looking forward to all the test for next week, but now is the time to relax!

Calculus really doesn't get you in the mood for thanksgiving dinner!

The day before thanksgiving I had to go down to the VA hospital and clean teeth! I saw three patients. One more memorable than the others. The patient was a class IV patient that was just there to have his upper left quad. cleaned. As a was cleaning that quad. I noticed that all of his lower anteriors were completely encased in calculus. He had just had them clean less than a month prior. It was shocking!!! I tried to tidy them up as best I could in the time I had, but he really needed another full mouth debridement. That made me lose my appetite just a little! How did it get so bad so fast!

12mm is a long way down!

On Tuesday my patient was part class V, part class III! He had a 12 mm pocket. It was my first experience with a 12mm pocket!! That thing was so deep and it was hard to maneuver around in it! I had to break out my mini graceys for the first time. They really did the trick. I could not have cleaned that pocket without them!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Swine Flu

So I missed clinic last week because my husband was in the hospital with pneumonia and and the H1N1 viruses that had become septic in his blood stream. It was a very rough week for me. It is just crazy how quickly it progressed. On Friday he was as healthy as a horse and on Sunday I was sitting in a hospital room and the doctors were telling me my husband might not make it. He recovered though and is now home from the hospital. Now my only challenge is getting him to take it easy. I am just glad that is over. Now on with the next mountain I am going to climb.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Done with my requirements for the semester!!!

I just finished all my requirements for the semester. I just need extra quads of a three or a four that will count for next semester. Time is flying. Before I know it I will be graduated and working, and on to the next step in my life making babies. At least I hope I will be graduated, as long as I can get past those dreaded board examinations. All four of them. It is so annoying; we have more board exams than a dentist. ARRRRG! Oh well it will be over before I know it, and I will never have to think about it again. People always say don't wish it over, but I wish this over!!!!!