Monday, March 2, 2009

Daddy Dearest

So my dad came in today as my patient. It was fun we went to lunch after and a movie after. Lets be honest that was the best part. The cleaning part went alright. I think once I get faster at probing then it will be smooth sailing, but I am still not very comfortable with my probe depths. I swear one of the pockets was a five today, right up in the front, but Vining said it was just a four and what he says goes. So, I thought that my dad would for sure be a class three patient but he was just a two. We all know I need more of those. Who knows where I am going to find a three. They are a hot commodity right now in the hygiene world. I have been told that it will all work out, times like this I have a hard time believing it. Bring on more stress.

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