Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mock Board Patient

I am all set for my mock boards!!! We got all the x-rays we needed today. My patient was so awesome he did not mind at all that he was going to have to come back again for the mock boards. We had alot to talk about because he likes to race like my hubby. He told me all about his Camaro he races. Both of my patients today were great. They were both so sweet and cooperative. My next patient was a cute little lady that assists with special eduacation kids. She is just so cute I want to squeeze her. Thanks to them I did not miss any spots. Well I take that back, I missed one on my first patient back on the distal of his third molar but I felt pretty good about that. I also had no retakes on my x-rays so I am feeling pretty good. All and all it was a great day!

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