Monday, February 2, 2009

Class 2

So I had a class two patient today and I have already seen him once. I had not scaled at all, but I was sure we could get it all scaled today. Oh no I only got two quads. scaled and it was rough. I went over the area with an explorer and everything and thought all the sufaces felt so smooth but I missed like nine spots. Ya nine. They were way interproximal more than I thought we could even go. I did so well on my last class two I thought I was doing great. Guess thats what I get for thinking. Oh well, it was a good learning experience.

1 comment:

DenaeLemich said...

Don't worry, you'll still miss spots your 2nd year too, but it gets better. You may feel like you have to rush things to get everything done, but really take time to learn how to explore correctly, you'll be so grateful next year. Have a great day!