Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What a day!

So to start off I arrive at clinic early so I could get everything done before my patient showed up. First thing I looked in my folder and what did I find but a blue slip. I did not know there was a place on the green sheet to write BFI. I always have just written it on my notes. Well there was and I got a blue slip because I did not put it there. Then I had everything ready by eight and my patient was not there. By 8:10 I started to worry, so I called him. He was still in bed, but he said no worries I will be there in just a minute. At 8:40 he finally arrived. If that was not enough, I took his blood pressure and it was way high. So I waited five minutes and tried again. Still it was really really high. I talked to the instructors and they said they would check it. They waited another few minutes and checked it and still it was skyrocketing. They told me I might not be able to work on him. AHHHHHH! After careful consideration they decided that I could call his doctor since he had recently been in and get verbal consent. His doctor gave me consent and after an hour and a half of shanananagans (or however you spell it) I was able to clean his teeth. It was so nerve racking I barely got an OD check. Then I forgot my instruments in the autoclave. I hope that because I had such a bad day that I am entitled a couple good ones. Probably not but that would be nice.


The Pyper's! said...

I still have good and bad days! Just remember that you probably learned something from that experience and make sure you just change one thing at your next appt. And don't froget to BREATHE! You will do great things!

Julie said...


If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I was reading my own blog!! I still get the occasional squirt - it makes me laugh! Don't be hard on yourself, you are right where your supposed to be! Remember this is a learning process, we are not expected to be perfect :)