Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now, I am stressed to the core!

Until today I was not too stressed, about the upcoming school year but it all hit me a few hours ago. One of my biggest problems is that I do not have a computer to access at home because we are between houses right now. So, when I am at school I try to print up everything I will need and check my email. I seem to have missed a few emails for a couple days and now my UDHA paper is the last one in. I am also concerned about what to study for the test in the 2207 class. I heard that we practical need to memorize that book. That is definately possible! :( Hopefully things get better.
P.S. If anyone is reading this that is not in the hygiene program, this is not my personal blog it is for hygiene school so you probably would not be interested.

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